

Things need to know if you buy bar stools from China: Don't have CNY delay your cargo!

Chinese New Year(CNY) is also known as Spring Festival. It’s the first day of year in traditional Chinese calendar. CNY usually comes between January and March. The exact date varies each year.

CNY in 2013 is on Feb 10th. Most factories will close at the end of January. China is a big country. The distance between western China and eastern China is nearly the same as that between Spain and Deutschland. Eastern China is more developed where most Chinese suppliers are located. However, the factory workers are mainly from western China. It may take them 4 days on train to go back home for family reunion. It costs them same time when they come back to work. 

Many workers prefer returning home early and coming back late because to many of them, CNY vacation is the only time they spend together with family members. For factories, it means lack of labor during the period before and after CNY. The official holiday calendar lasts only 1 week but it may become around 20 days in practice.

Even if the factory you order from respect the date they give for closure, their suppliers may not, therefore causing additional delays.

It usually takes factories about 35 days to finish production. In order not to have your cargo delayed because of CNY, you’d better order a 3-month supply to be delivered before CNY.

